Selecting A Tea

Welcome to the world of tea!  We hope you enjoy selecting, tasting and consuming your tea.  We know there are so many teas to choose from, not only on our site, but on sites throughout the world; we thought we would help simplify your selection process.  In choosing a tea, one primary question to ask would be, caffeinated or non-caffeinated. Answering this question will lead you down one of two paths; both of which there are numerous delicious options for you.  Caffeinated tea usually means a tea made from what is commonly known as a “tea plant.”  The scientific name of this plant is called Camellia Sinensis.  However, there are some herbal teas that can contain caffeine; Yerba Mate for example.  If you are sensitive to caffeine, please read the description carefully of any tea (herbal or tea from a tea plant) and notice if it contains caffeine. 

     Another question to possibly ask when selecting a tea would be if you enjoy your tea iced or hot.  Any tea can take on a different taste profile when served hot or cold.  Also the aroma of tea can differ dependent open it being iced or hot. There is no right or wrong way to consume your tea; it is personal preference as to how you like your tea.  Just simply enjoy your tea for what it is... a delicious beverage!

     A last question you may want to ponder is if you will be adding milk, flavored creamer, or sugar to your tea. Each of these additives can alter the taste of your tea.  If you would like to add milk or a creamer, then a black tea, a dark tea, or a Yerba Mate tea may be more beneficial for you.  These teas hold up well to the addition of milk or creamer.  A delicately flavored white tea, a green tea or a light herbal tea could possibly lose the flavor profile if milk or cream is added.

     We are here to assist you on your tea drinking journey when the choices may seem daunting. We are here to help you and to encourage you to fall in love with the wonderful world of tea.  We thank you for choosing Lota Tea and including us on your tea journey!

Enjoy your own personal tea journey and savor each sip!

About The Author

Leslie Sundberg is a World Tea Academy Certified Tea Specialist, a World Tea Academy Apprentice Tea Sommelier, a Specialty Tea Institute Level IV trained Tea Specialist, and a Tea and Business Etiquette Specialist. On any given day, Leslie can be found teaching, speaking or sharing in the joys of a cup of tea.  No matter what Leslie is doing or where she is, one thing remains constant: 4:00 in the afternoon is tea time!

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