I had the pleasure of painting a snowman picture a while ago while it was a balmy 60 degrees. As I write this blog, there is a cold wind from the North blowing 24 mph, the temperature is 23 degrees F, yet feels like 7 Degrees F and snowflakes are swirling all around.
A Painting Class
I was invited to take a painting class at an art studio/event location. The location was called Pinot’s Palette, a chain of painting event locations where the modus operandi is to enjoy the creative process, de-stress, and find your inner artist. I went to the class excited about painting a cute snowman picture; perfect for the upcoming winter months.
I walked into a previous retail store that had been turned into a painting studio with a beverage and snack counter at the back of the cavernous room. There was a double sink station at a side wall with extra paint brushes drying. Two person tables were placed spaciously around the room, with a stage set off to one side of the room. The stage displayed the finished piece of artwork that our class would be painting along with a blank canvas that the instructor would be instructing us step by step on how to create the painting. The music that was playing had a lively, upbeat tempo and helped me feel even more excited about the painting class. I was already feeling creative by just being in an art studio of sorts, surrounded by art supplies, and listening to great music.
My class companion and I were seated at a long 2-person table; easel and blank canvas already propped up, waiting for paint. Alongside the blank canvas were brushes, a water cup (for swishing off and cleaning the paint brushes), and a paint palette filled with the paint that we would be using to create our snowman. I donned a painting apron, checked in with my painting partner, and gave a squeal of delight in anticipation of the class starting in a few minutes. I decided to check the menu at the back beverage station to see what beverages I could choose from. There was everything from soda, wine, hot chocolate, to bottled ready-to-drink iced tea. Research and statistics have consistently shown that over 80% of tea consumed in the United States is iced tea. While I enjoy a glass of iced tea at times, usually when it is extremely hot outside, I more frequently consume my tea as a hot beverage.
I am a hot tea kind of “artist” and was desiring a hot green tea to sip on while painting my masterpiece. Tonight was no exception. I steeped a jasmine green tea. My artist associate ordered a delicious looking hot chocolate with a mound of airy whipped cream on the top. The aroma of the hot chocolate was almost too much to pass up, but I was very content on imbibing the fragrant jasmine green tea.
We had beverages, a snack, paint, a blank canvas and we were ready to paint. The instructor did a fantastic job of walking us step by step through how to paint our own masterpieces. Her passion for painting shined through, and her tips and technique explanations illuminated her knowledge of painting. The instructor came around to each table throughout the course of the painting session and offered encouragement, helpful suggestions, and genuine enthusiasm for our unique and individual paintings.
During break time, I washed my brushes, filled my brush cup with fresh water, and then talked to the studio owner. He is an art teacher by day and a business owner by night. He shared with me that he wanted a place where people could unwind, enjoy themselves and be creative. The owner explained that creating art can help people unwind, de-stress, and perhaps use a different side of the brain than they would normally utilize.
Fundamentally, the brain is divided into two halves; a right and left side of the brain. Essentially the left hemisphere of the brain is the side of the brain that covers mathematical computations, writing and speech. Basically, the right hemisphere of the brain controls our attention, reasoning, problem solving, memory, and artistic endeavors.
Break was over, and it was time for me to start painting again. I had to focus on enjoying the process and not worry about the end product being “perfect”. My painting was almost complete. I paused in my artistic endeavors and savored the moment. I let the fun, creating with paint, the music, and sitting next to someone I love dearly wash over me; capturing the moment in time in my memory bank. The instructor reminded us that the painting wasn’t complete until the snowman had a face and a snowflake on its nose. I decided to place a big smile on my snowman’s face. A smile to represent the happy and wonderful time I had with my loved one creating our own masterpieces while sipping tea and “playing with paint”.
May you find happiness while sipping tea and creating your own masterpiece; whether it is with paint, clay, fabric, plants, food, music, or words.
Pietrangelo, Ann. Left Brain vs. Right Brain: What Does This Mean For Me? Healthline, March 7, 2019. www.healthline.com
www.pinotspalette.com, Norman, Oklahoma location.
Specialty Tea Institute & Tea Association of the U.S.A. Inc, www.teausa.org, World Tea Academy, www.worldteaacademy.com
About The Author
Leslie Sundberg is a World Tea Academy Certified Tea Specialist, a World Tea Academy Apprentice Tea Sommelier, a Specialty Tea Institute Level IV trained Tea Specialist, and a Tea and Business Etiquette Specialist. On any given day, Leslie can be found teaching, speaking or sharing in the joys of a cup of tea. No matter what Leslie is doing or where she is, one thing remains constant: 4:00 in the afternoon is tea time!